woh..tq sebab jadi org pertama bertanyakan soklan pd i via formspring ni..
untuk menjwb soalan u, i skarang tgh dok dlm blk i sorang2 dirundung kebosanan almaklumlah cuti sem..keke..
harap maklum..tima kaseh
Saturday, May 29, 2010
u dengn sape skrang?
Friday, May 28, 2010
How Do I Do It: Generate File Listing Automatically
"...I have a folder. In the folder, it's contains 100 or more files. I want the list of files.."
Well, of course you can do it manually but that's gonna take a lot of your time and your energy. There's a simple way of course. Let me show you.
A. Basic ".bat" way
1. Open the directory you want to make list of files inside.
2. Right-click on any space there to make a new text document.
New --> Text Document
3. Open to edit the .txt file and put this into it(ignore quotes):
"dir /a /-p /o:gen >filelisting.txt"
4. Rename the .txt and change the extension to .bat. For example:
5. Then, double-click the newly created file and tadaaa. A file named "filelisting.txt will generated the inside will be a list of files inside the same directory where .bat file located.
Tips: If the generated list is to complex, too much information and you only want the filenames, edit the
"dir /a /-p /o:gen >filelisting.txt"
and change into...
"dir /a /b /-p /o:gen >filelisting.txt"
Now, lets move to the second one shall we?
B. Context file @ "rightclick --> generate" style
1. Like the above technique mentioned, create the batch file(follow 1-4 steps) but this time, move@place the batch file in the "WINDOWS" directory. For common windows users,that should be at: "C:\WINDOWS"
2. Open windows explorer or any windows(like My Computer,Documents), go to "Tools" --> "Folder Options" --> "File Types"
3. In the "Registered file types:" select "Folder" file type then click "Advance"
4. Make a new action by clicking "New". Specify the name of action(for example "Generate File Listing"). Then, click "Browse" and select the batch file created early in "WINDOWS" folder. Then, "OK" for all.
5. That's it. Now, whenever you want a list of files in directory, just select a folder, right-click it, and click on "Generate File Listing".
Monday, May 24, 2010
How Do I Do It: Multiplicity Image
Dan ni percubaan pertama aku..hehe
Then, adalah kawan2ku yang mintak tunjukkan caranya camne aku buek..So, here it's..Tools u'll need: camera, tripod, adobe photoshop
1. Setting camera baikkk punya atas tripod. Korang kena pakai tripod sebab takda tripod memang tak bley jadi punya. Then, tangkap gambar banyak2. Kalo korang ada "remote shutter release biasanya untuk DSLR" lagi baik sebab kita nak minimizekan vibration as much as possible. Aku pakai compact camera so aku cume pkai timer je lah..
2. Okey, bila da ada cukup gambar then, leh teruskan dengan post editing kat photoshop(or apa saja software yang korang rase bole pkai). Load satu gambar preferably gambar korang yang objeknya berada dibelakang sekali. Kalo ikut gambar aku tu, gambar "aku" yang tengah berdiri tu. So, tulah gambar baseline aku.
3. Nau, open lagi satu gambar, dengan menggunakan "marquee tool" ataupun "lasso tool", korang select objek then gunakan "move tool" tarik masuk ke dalam gambar baseline tadi.
4. OK. Dah?. Sekarang, pastikan layer dia betul. Gambar kat belakang mesti dekat layer paling bawah. Then, select layer atas(yang korang baru tarik tadi), gunakan "eraser tool" dengan "opacity = 100" dan "flow = 100", padamkan bahagian2 yang tak dikehendaki.
5. SIAP. Heh..sonang je..Repeat step 3-4 untuk tiap2 gambar. Kalau aku ada masa lagi, aku akan wat video post-editing ok.
Chiow cincau..papai
Saturday, May 22, 2010
AF8 Final Result
Monday, May 17, 2010
It Is Officially...
Yup2..That's korek..Pagi tadi baru aku pergi hantar report praktikal,,err, mostly pasal web application system yang aku ngan umi(name org ok..bkn umi ke, mama ke,,etc) wat act..Sebelum tu, aku da berpeluh2 lepas mandi sebab pintu umah problem..haha..penat aku godek2..locking mechanism dia da osak mujur ada ganti :-)
Niway, gi kat UiTM jumpe lect suh dia sign ke3-3 report, trus bagi dia satu, kat pejabat akademik satu ngan kat politeknik PREMIER (nape mesti uppercase??!) satu..amboi wani. Sedap ye titon?..kuar ayak liuk ea??. Haha, takde apa berubah pn kat ctu except Khalid da amik tmpat en. Suffian (act..tempat parking). Setat dari situ, aku rasa sangat2 lega, pueh hati den sebab semuanya da selesai ngan suksesnya. Praktikal, report, presentation dan sebagainya.
noty2: bila takde kerja, rasa nak kerja..hai..sangat bohsan dok uma..nak jamming, keje, bla3..
Friday, May 14, 2010
My Verdict: Iron Man 2
Tony Stark masa ni maintainkan keamanan dunia. Tapi pada masa yang sama, benda yang kat dada dia tu (paladium) tengah makan diri dia. Stark taknak teknologi tu kat tentera untuk di apply bagi teknologi ketenteraan sebab dia fikir orang takkan dapat buat teknologi tu dalam masa terdekat. Dia then bagi jawatan CEO kat Pepper.
Unfortunately, masa dia berada di Monaco, dia diserang oleh Ivan Vanko. Ivan tu ada reaktor sama cam Stark ada (well..sort of). Lawan-punya-lawan, Stark menang jugak. Later, dia dapat tau Ivan tu anak kepada kawan bapak dia dulu Anton Vanko dan nak membalas dendam atas nasib family dia. Ivan dipenjarakan tapi dibebaskan oleh syarikat senjata yang len (CEO dia jeles ngan Stark). CEO dia nak Ivan wat suit cam Stark punya.
Masa party harijadi Stark, dia mabuk kaw2 sambil pakai baju Iron Man then terpaksa dikawal oleh kawan dia James Rhodes (kawan dia pi curi baju Iron Man lagi satu). Lawan-punya-lawan, Stark kalah, James gi hantar baju tu kat tentera. Satu hari, director SHIELD, Nick Fury bagi Stark satu briefcase kepunyaan bapak dia. Then, dia dapat discover satu struktur elemen yang dapat menghentikan racun paladium (bapak dia wat satu video special untuk dia). Lepas je dia siap wat reactor arc yang baru tu dengan bantuan JARVIS, Ivan Vanko contact Stark mengatakan yang dia masih hidup dan nak membalas dendam.
Kemudian, dia satu expo yang di organize oleh rival weapon company (Justin Hammer), CEO dia tunjukkan suit baru yang dibikin oleh Ivan. Semuanya drone (controlled remotely) kecuali yang ketuanya James Rhodes. Walaupun suit tu boleh dimasuki orang tapi kawalannya masih Ivan yang kawal. Then, Stark datang nak warn Hammer tapi terlambat, Ivan da kawal semua drone termasuk yang ada Rhodes dalam tu. Potts kemudian tahan Hammer dan Ramanoff mematikan kawalan terhadap suit Rhodes.
Later, Ivan pun datang dengan suit dia membelasah dorang (Stark ngan Rhodes). Dipendekkan cerita, dorang berdua wat kamehameha depan Ivan Powww! terpelanting Ivan. Bila Ivan da tak boleh melawan lagi, dia set semua drone termasuk dia untuk self destruct. Stark cepat2 chow selamatkan Potts. Dorang nek atas bangunan then kissing depan Rhodes yang da lame tercegat kat situ. THE END
Baik. Bagi aku, cite ni not bad. Ada lah sikit2 unsur humor tapi kadang2 dialog dia laju gila aku pun da blur2, pending2..haha..Tapi overall, best..
Aku bagi:

That's all. Thanks for reading. kthxbai..
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
What I Rike: Lexus LF-A Meter Cluster
Yaabedabeduu!!..Finally, aku da complete semua course Computer Science aku, 3 tahun, lulus, gagal, susah senang semua aku redah and pagi tadi aku buat presentation bout praktical training aku di Poli Shah Alam. Thanx goodness everything went fine :D
Cuma ada sedikit (ye..sangat sedikit) kerja lagi which is, print lagi 2 copy report aku untuk submit. Waaa, bukannye nipis weh report..wu3..takpe. Nak grad, nak tak nak kena buat jugak. Hawww...
Okey, as title..Aku bukan nak ngomel pasal presentation ni sangat tapi, kalo korang nak tanya2, anta la komen korang XD atau pun tulis je dalam formspring box aku kat left sidebar tuh..
Video yang aku kepil (ceh.."embed" jadi "kepil" ke??) sekali ni adalah meter cluster (ada gak panggil meter panel..sama je kut) dari kereta Lexus LF-A. Cantik tertarik kau memang tembam. Aku memang adore sangat2 la meter ni sebab dia cantik, futulipstik, cool dan bagai. Dari pembacaan aku, act Lexus wat meter ni bukan saja2 tapi sebab enjin LF-A adalah sangat "live" a.k.a responsif sampaikan meter analog tak dapat catchup (bukan kicap) RPM reading. Try la korang tengok. Hopefully u like it..ahak..ahak..
noty2: buat reader, maafla kalo term2 dalam post ni agak techie sket, tak paham submit je komen..kak teena, wat la meter gitu..pasang kat gen2 kak teena keyhs..ahaks
Monday, May 10, 2010
Finally Arrived: Astro bYond

Setakat ni aku boleh tengok 4 out of 5 channel je dalam HD which is Supersport, ESPN, Nat Geo, ngan History Channel..Yang lagi satu tu HBO takde sebab tak subscribe. :-D
Ok, untuk tengok siaran dalam HD contohnya channel nat geo(553), kita kena jump 20 channel. Maknanya, channel 553 jadi 573 untuk tengoh Nat Geo HD. Gitu lah..sama jugak dengan channel2 yang len. Wat sementara ni tu jela channel yang leh dinikmati dalam HD dan astro tengah nak tambah channel support HD.
Bout the content. Agak pelik sikit la sebab isi channel yang sama sbg cnth (nat geo) adalah tak sama.....err???xphm??..gini, aku dah tengok tadi channel 553 dan 573 (both nat geo), tayang programme lain2..tak faham jugak..tapi mesti dia kena wat gitu sebab content dalam format HD tak boleh disalurkan ke decoder yang tak support HD..gitu la kut..
Ni antara gambar2 aku snap. Seriously, memang detail lah..rambut, rumput nampak sehelai2..
noty2: tak ske cite cintan2 yang meleleleleleh..adoi..suprisingly, cite malayu banyak gitu..alahai
Bang2 Once Moar
Mangsa bernama Mohd Azizi Aziz, 17 tahun. Apa yang aku faham, dia takmau berhentikan motornye bila ditahan polis then, polis trus tembak die..WTF?..dek kerana taknak berhenti terus bagi sebutir peluru tembus perut dan usus dia?. Ini ikut justifikasi dan SOP (Standard Operation Procedure) mane ni??
Well, mungkin boleh kata orang tak faham situasi ketika itu, tapi aku quite sure yang polis tu tak berada dalam kedudukan yang membahayakan nyawa dia. Mungkin nak berhenti dan tamatkan semua dengan cepat dan amik jalan mudah. Jawapannya?..bang!. Oh wai.. Adakah SOP membenarkan dia tembak waktu itu atau memang tak tau SOP?..Tuhan saja yang tau..
Mangsa sekarang terlantar kat Hospital Tuanku Ja’afar. Aku terbayang camane la dia tercampak dari moto tu. Yela, tengah laju, kene tembak. Aiya..) 0.o
BTW, polis tu sekarang da digantung kerja dan siasatan sedang dijalankan.
noty2: “Sorry PDRM tesilap sapu.” ...hahaha..aku tergelak besar ble bace berita ni..pencuri kereta salah sapu kereta..dia gi sebat kereta ketua polis selangor..salah orang la dei!!..haha
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Get Paid to Read Email
But, I found this couple days earlier. In this system, what we have to do is open email given to us and click paid link inside the email. Need to be careful tough but last time I clicked, it’s just redirecting me to “YouTube” video that has been removed but I still got the credit. I assume y’all must be thinking “Huh, open email and got credited and paid??!” Too good to be true right? But, since registration and everything is free, why not trying right?
So, how it’s works?
Advertisers look how company grows and the more strong the company, more advertises will join and more opportunity for us. Upon registering, you will be asked about your interest. Then, emails will be sending to you with paid link inside. Once you click on the Paid Link and visit the advertiser's website for 30 seconds, your account will be credited with 1 point. Your accumulated points will then be converted into cash credits on the first week of every month. The conversion is done based on 40% of our total earnings for the previous month. This means we share 40% of our total revenue with our members! The conversion for the last few months ranges from 0.55 cents to 0.75 cents.
What’s good?
Actually, the goody is you can refer the system to someone else to join. When you refer other people to join “EmailCashPro”, you will receive 50% of your referral's earnings on level 1, 20% of your referral's earnings on level 2, 15% of your referral's earnings on level 3 and 10% of your referral's earnings on level 4. With the 4 level referral system, your income can easily be in the order of $100s a month!
How do they pay?
Well, once your account reaches our minimum payout of S$11, you can request for a cash-out. For Singapore members, you can cash out your earning through cheque or paypal. For International members, you can cash out through PayPal. All payment will be made in Singapore dollars. Don't have PayPal account? Make one. It's free. >>CREATE ONEAnd, if we are lucky, they might provide service to post the cheque to our house someday.
That's all the basics. Want more explanation or interested to join? Click >>HERE<<>
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
How Do I Do IT: Insert image into compose email in gMail
After some time digging the solution, finally found something. Google actually has Gmail Labs. It's
"a testing ground for experimental features that aren't quite ready for primetime. They may change,break or disappear at any time."
So, how to enable inserting image into message body (useful for insert signature picture)?.
I assume you already logged into gmail. Go to "Settings" (upper right conner near the "Signout").
There will be some tabs called "General", "Accounts and Import", blablabla, find tab named "Labs", then, find a feature called "Inserting images" and enable it. You may need to sign out and sign in again. Whenever you want to add image, just find a symbol like this
Click it and select your desired image in the dialog box. Also, check out the other gMail Labs features..Give it a try.