Thursday, January 22, 2015

How To Use Whatsapp in Desktop PC

Recently, the Whatsapp has been made available on the web. To get this to function, you need to perform the following:

1. Update Whatapp in your Android phone
    Go to Play Store and proceed to update to latest version of Whatsapp

2. Install Google Chrome
    Install the browser. So far I tried, only works on Chrome even though I've tried to use Chrome user agent in Mozilla

3. Go to:

4. Once loaded, scan QR code
    Open up Whatsapp in your phone, go to settings, select "WhatsApp Web" menu. Proceed to scan QR code appear in your browser and walah! can now use Whatsapp in your browser.


Thursday, January 8, 2015

How To Get Computer Serial Number from Windows OS Level

This is simple method to obtain serial number of the computer from the OS level rather than physically go to the computer and search from S/N on the sticker.

1. Open command prompt and run as administrator
2. Type:
             a. To get serial number: "wmic bios get serialnumber"
             b. To get the model name: "wmic csproduct get name"

Hope this helps.