Monday, October 4, 2010

Gone Android now..

Hello readers.

It's been quite some time I dont update anything in me blog. Bcoz dont have any idea or been busy with my study.

Anyway, as topic, now I'm officially migrate from Symbian OS to Android OS. Just bought Galaxy 5 as starting point and I quite like it. Feels comfortable in my hand even though it's quite small but that's ok. Just need some time to adapt.

Plus, even Facebook co-founder also gone Android this must be a good progress for Android OS to expand it territory since iOS(Apple) I think is already saturated.

Click picture to enlarge


So, my experience after using it for err...3 days. Like I said, it's quite interesting. I've been using Symbian OS for almost 5 years and now suddenly changing Android. Culture shock O.o

What I like most is the number of application you can direct download from Android Market. More than 100000 application you can choose. Try all you want till your phone out of memory. The market got free apps as well as paid apps too.

#1: Problem:- Can't log in to Android Market
The first time I want to login to Android Market, I get an error message something like;

"There is a temporary error or your sin card is not provisioned for data services"

So, I googled and stumble upon this website: Android Forum where a forummer suggest to do hard-reset phone(*2767*3855#) and it works. :)
More G5 Secret Code

#2: Software
There's a couple application I've tried and more to come. Below I think is the must-have-apps

ChompSMS - replace default messaging software. More intuative
Astro File Manager - file manager of course
Advanced Task Killer - task manager
Dolphing Browser - replace default Android browser. Support tabbed browsing
eBuddy - instant messenger
Abduction - interesting game. Uses accelerometer in-built.

Sources: 1 / 2

That's a little bit about my migration to Android. Will dig more what Android has to offer.



  1. wat is android act?

  2. operating system for phone. there's other os too like symbian, windows ce, windows phone 7 etc2


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